We work with funders to:
Build resilience, viability and sustainability for your partners. Radically shift governance and leadership capacity to deliver their ambition for systemic impact.
Invest in your own leadership and culture for collaboration and localisation. Boldly shift prevailing power dynamics so that people thrive and economies prosper.

“[Through investing in coaching] we were hoping to see more active and impactful organisations, which are cost effective. That’s one of the things we measure, incremental revenue, their employment generation, their ability to raise capital. An organisation that when other funders look at it looks like a robust, well managed organisation doing good work. We’re interested in impact and sustainability and obviously they reinforce each other….[Coaching] is helping them do that, which for the long term means that their good work will continue into the future.”

Nicholas Colloff OBE, Executive Director, Argidius Foundation

Accelerate, secure and sustain the impact of your investment

With your partners

Build viability, agility and resilience across your partner portfolio, or with one partner in depth. Fund us to:

  • Address critical priorities for Vitality, Visibility, Vibrancy and Viability
  • Develop equitable governance models
  • Build collaborative cross partner networks
  • Deliver coaching programmes for resilience and agility
  • Implement a Leading to Thrive programme
  • Support leadership transition and localisation

With your leadership team

Embed the skills and mindsets to drive equity in your partner relationships and across the funding environment. Fund us to:

  • Build the culture, skills and mindsets to shift power in your funding practice
  • Map your network as a funder to drive systemic change
  • Implement Founder/CEO transition and succession
  • Build equitable structures for localisation
  • Equip you with power shifting leadership skills
  • Coach leaders through critical moments of change

Find out how you can apply the Creative Metier 4V Model Diagnostic Tool with your partners to enable informed decisions and evolution of collaborative strategies.

Explore examples of our work

Founder/CEO Transition

The impact of our work to support Founder/CEO transition and strategy refresh over six years with a family led, Africa focussed impact investor was significant. The incoming CEO observed a culture shift, increased team cohesion, improved ways of working and communication across the team.

Securing Impact Through a Coaching Approach

This programme, funded by the Argidius Foundation across nine partners, showed that investing in coaching skills development in enterprise support organisations to enable them to engage with entrepreneurs with a coaching style led to increased entrepreneurial resilience and sustainability.

Coaching for Resilience and Agility

The impact of this programme, funded by the Argidius Foundation for 41 CEOs and senior leaders from fourteen partners, was more active, cost effective and impactful organisations, delivering impact for the enterprises they serve, alongside increased sustainability and capability to generate more funding for themselves.

How can we help you? Get in touch to arrange a call.